Tuesday, November 19, 2013

We are currently assembling a team that will lead in this important part of body life here at Freedom Gate. There are three words that I have been thinking of. 1. Concierge....someone who gives direction, information and help....we usually see them at very nice hotels. 2. Connect...we have been teaching along the lines of a culture of connection. Connecting is what precedes all levels of building a covenant relationship. There is a desire in all of us to connect...even if we think we like being alone better...we are wired to be connected....with God and each other. 3. Care. We genuinely care about those who the Lord sends to connect with us...even if that process has it's challenges. May the Holy Spirit put in all of us a genuine excitement to see His family grow, connect, and experience the Freedom Journey.

1 comment:

  1. I have some thoughts.
    Since Elijah and Shawn mentioned a Few things to focus on.
    1. Retrieve what founders believed for the city.
    2. Who are these revolutionary officers buried on the mound.
    A. What did they believe our city and region and territory stood for.
    B. What did our nation plan for our city and etc.
    C. Where did they succeed and loose
